Modesto, California Contracts Envirogen for New Groundwater Treatment System

The City of Modesto has awarded Envirogen Technologies Inc. with a contract to reduce nitrate levels in the extracted groundwater from two of its potable water production wells.

Envirogen Technologies Inc. announced that it has been awarded a USD1.51 million contract to reduce nitrate levels in extracted groundwater for the City of Modesto, California.

The treatment work will reduce nitrate levels in extracted groundwater from two of its potable production wells (Grayson Wells 274 & 295) using Envirogen’s Dual MinX regenerable ion exchange technology.

Nitrate levels in the groundwater from the two wells exceeds the maximum contaminant level (MCL) for drinking water. The treatment solution will bring the groundwater to less than 80% of the state’s MCL for city residents.

Envirogen was contracted for this project based on its nitrate treatment experience and service record for similar regenerable ion exchange systems.

The City has been collaborating with Envirogen for many years, and it has been a great business and technology partner. Based on that long experience with the company, I can emphasize that its regenerable IX water treatment technology is field proven and reliable.

Jeff Daniels, Water Operations Superintendent for the City of Modesto

“The City has been collaborating with Envirogen for many years, and it has been a great business and technology partner,” said Jeff Daniels, water operations superintendent for the City of Modesto. “Based on that long experience with the company, I can emphasize that its regenerable IX water treatment technology is field proven and reliable.”

Work began in the summer, 2023, for the project involving the design, fabrication, delivery, installation, and start-up of the equipment in Summer 2024.