Tetra Technologies Introduces Tetra Oasis TDS and Results from Permian Basin Beneficial Reuse Pilot
TETRA Technologies, Inc. announced the commercial launch of TETRA Oasis TDS, an end-to-end water treatment and desalination technology for beneficial reuse and mineral extraction applications for oil and gas well produced water.
TETRA also recently completed a commercial pilot project for the desalination of Delaware Basin produced water for a major North America oil and gas operator. The desalinated water was tested against published Texas Railroad Commission (“TRRC”) standards for beneficial reuse water at both TETRA’s laboratory and an independent third-party laboratory. Subsequently, the treated water was sent to a third party for Whole Effluent Toxicity (“WET”) testing where it successfully passed all test parameters.
WET testing is a method used to measure the combined toxic effects of all pollutants on aquatic organisms and involves exposing aquatic organisms to treated wastewater samples and observing how the organisms respond. The tests can be acute or chronic and measure different aspects of the organisms’ health. WET testing is a vital component to implementing water quality standards under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (“NPDES”) permits program.
For several years, we have been working to leverage our deep brine chemistry expertise, our US onshore water treatment resources, and our customer network and relationships to address the sizeable industry challenge surrounding treatment of oil and gas produced water for beneficial reuse purposes. By combining our existing expertise in produced water recycling for frac reuse to pre-treat the feed water for two unique membrane technologies, we have developed a high-quality, cost-effective solution.
Brady Murphy, TETRA’s President and Chief Executive Officer
“Our first field pilot programme successfully treated produced water where we achieved 92% recovery rate of desalinated water with total dissolved solids levels ranging from 40 parts per million (“ppm”) to 200 ppm, which are better than the average municipal drinking water standards. In our latest pilot test of more challenging Delaware Basin produced water, we are very pleased to announce that our TETRA Oasis TDS resulted in high-quality desalinated water that not only met or exceeded all customer KPIs but passed all third-party WET testing. Given the importance of WET testing standards for the regulatory agencies, we believe this is an important step for future beneficial reuse project permitting. This is a rapidly evolving market, and the need for cost effective technology to address produced water volumes continues to grow,” commented Murphy.
Murphy added, “TETRA sees significant opportunity in the space and continues to engage high quality customers to address their water challenges and disposal restrictions due to seismicity events with seven NDA’s in place and ongoing negotiations with others to discuss the proprietary details of our TETRA Oasis TDS.
Despite U.S. land oil and gas well frac and completion activity declining throughout 2024, produced water volumes continue to increase. Rystad Energy estimates Permian Basin produced water volumes of 8.3 billion barrels in 2024, up 5% from 2023. In Rystad Energy’s fourth quarter 2024 Water Management report, they estimate that a 20% reduction in Permian Basin disposal well capacity due to regulatory restrictions would result in up to 4 million barrels of produced water per day as the available market for beneficial reuse. A recent Houston Chronicle article referenced a study that the handling and treating of produced water is a USD4 billion annual market opportunity in the Permian Basin, making this one of the fastest growing market opportunities in the oil and gas industry.
TETRA Oasis TDS is a proprietary end-to-end offering that involves a variety of processing stages starting with operator’s oil and gas well produced water as feed brine for a pre-treatment step. TETRA has developed extensive experience and expertise over the past six years in the treatment and recycling of produced water for frac re-use, as demonstrated by having treated in the fourth quarter, 2024 a record peak volume of over 800,000 bbl/day. This experience has advanced TETRA’s chemistry know-how in addressing a wide variability of produced water constituents, including dealing with organic compounds that would otherwise be destructive to membranes used in other industries to desalinate water.
The critical pre-treatment first step is followed by the desalination stage through two technologies licensed exclusively to TETRA for oil and gas produced water applications, KMX Technologies Inc., Vacuum Membrane Distillation or Hyrec Holdings Company W.L.L. Osmotically Assisted Reverse Osmosis, or a combination of both. The selection of which technology or combination thereof depends, in part, on the total dissolved solids of the feed water, the end use application, and optimising both the capital and operating costs of the process. The final stage is a post-treatment process designed to meet customer water specifications and may involve extraction of minerals, which TETRA’s chemical business has been doing for many years, and potentially significantly improving the economic benefits. TETRA Oasis TDS was successfully proven in the field to deliver a water quality that achieves or exceeds regulatory requirements in a cost-effective manner for multiple beneficial reuse applications, including potential surface irrigation and industrial uses.
TETRA recently completed an equity investment in KMX Technologies Inc.
Details on TETRA Oasis TDS can be found on the following website link: https://onetetra.com/energy-services/water-management/produced-water-desalination/
About TETRA Technologies, Inc.
TETRA Technologies, Inc. is an energy services and solutions company focused on developing environmentally conscious services and solutions that help make people’s lives better. With operations on six continents, the Company’s portfolio consists of Energy Services, Industrial Chemicals, and Critical Minerals. In addition to providing products and services to the oil and gas industry and calcium chloride for diverse applications, TETRA is expanding into the low-carbon energy market with chemistry expertise, key mineral acreage, and global infrastructure, helping to meet the demand for sustainable energy in the twenty-first century. Visit the Company’s website at www.onetetra.com for more information.